Summer Institute

The ROSAmerica Summer Institute is an 8-day, 12 hour professional development program for Arizona educators to bring culturally responsive experiences and learning to all students, across all subjects.

Culturally responsive, inclusive education calls for educators to lead bravely, recognizing that all students belong.

Engaging students inside a culturally responsive framework assures that they see themselves in the lessons and materials being taught. When we include students through the origin stories, knowledge and achievements of their ancestors, it validates their own wisdom and understandings.

By leading with these values, we create an educational experience of true inclusion and collaboration for all students.

Participants of the ROSAmerica Summer Institute will come away with new thinking, inspiration, skills and resources to bring this high value learning experience to the classroom. New knowledge gained will be readily usable for the benefit of all Arizona students.

Read what some of the Summer Institute graduates had to say:

“This was a great presentation and I will definitely explore these resources for my classroom. I really like the options for students to connect their learning to local advocacy.”

“THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MATH SESSION!!!! I absolutely loved and enjoyed it! I wanted to learn so much more! I plan to implement this within my classroom and I was even inspired to inquire about teaching this as a PD to the other teachers on my campus…”


“Wow!!!! This was exactly what I was looking for! I love the free and easily accessible resources. Definitely will invite in a virtual journalist. Every part of today’s presentation was so well planned and thoughtful. Thank you!”

“I’ve covered the topic before in the past, but now have several new activities, such as the photo stacking one, that will provide the students with a powerful way to participate and voice their opinions without another boring writing assignment.”

“Thank you a million times for this opportunity. It was rewarding, and very powerful. Best PD I’ve ever been a part of!”

“A space of deep, compassionate learning all around!”

“Such a heartfelt training. This hit deep with me, a survivor and educator. I seek to find a way to help students SEE history while FEELING their own history.”

ROSAmerica presenters from the Summer Institute 2023